Decoded Book - Phil Barden

Second Edition by Phil Barden

The Science Behind Why We Buy

With c.20% new content versus the first edition, this revised and updated edition provides new material that marketers, creative agencies and business owners can apply to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of their sales and marketing activities. New material includes;

  • Case studies on distinctive brand assets, the neuropsychology of brand purchase and behaviour during Covid
  • Empirical analysis of three IPA Effectiveness Award winners
  • How one client’s application of learnings from the first edition led to significant uplifts in revenue

A must–read for b2b and b2c marketers, advertising professionals, web designers, R&D managers, industrial designers, graphic designers in fact anyone whose role or interest focuses on the ‘why’ behind consumer behaviour.

A Book that Provides Tangible Insights to help you

Increase Marketing Effectiveness

Why do consumers buy what they buy? Scientific insights from various fields including psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics unlock the driving forces and underlying mechanisms of human decision-making, and purchase choices in particular. This book provides a journey through these fascinating insights from decision science. It is a practitioner’s guide showing how to apply this valuable leading edge knowledge on consumer decision-making to our day to day marketing work.

Chapter 1. Decision Science – understanding the why of consumer behaviour

Chapter 2. The moment of truth: decoding purchase decisions

Chapter 3. Decoding the interface - how the autopilot perceives touchpoints

Chapter 4. Optimising the path to purchase: the decision interface makes the difference.

Chapter 5. Goals: The driving forces of purchase decisions

Chapter 6. From Positioning to touchpoints: bringing value to life

Chapter 7. Case Studies

- Ferrero Duplo: success can be planned.

- Increasing brand relevance during Covid-19

About The Author

Phil Barden is a proven marketer with over 25 years’ experience, including senior and international roles at high profile companies such as Unilever, Diageo and T-Mobile. Fascinated by the insights from decision science and by the value these can bring to marketing, he quit his international brand director post in order to immerse himself in this new field. 

He is now one of very few experts to combine a practitioner’s perspective with a profound knowledge of decision science, making him very much in demand among clients and conference organisers alike. In this book he bridges the gap between the world of marketing and decision science, taking the reader on his fascinating journey.

Phil presents on decision science for the IPA Diploma, the APG Planning Skills Diploma and for various international MBA and MSc programmes. He is regularly invited to speak at industry events and to brand owners and their agencies.

Phil Barden
Marketer, Writer and Speaker.

“Can I just say that I have attended quite a few of the recent ICG webinars and I thought this one stood out – very strong and knowledgeable speaker, very thought provoking and with some great illustrations/proof points”.

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Managing Director,

Technology Research Ltd

“Thank you, Phil, for an exceptional masterclass for our Executive MBA last evening – a superb insight into better marketing decision making with clear commercial impact. Looking forward to your next book”!

Decoded Book - Phil Barden

Bayes Business School

“This was excellent. No, actually it was more than excellent”.

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
VP Insights,

Colgate Palmolive, North America

“Incredibly inspiring session”

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Diploma Student,

IPA “Planning Skills”

What Readers Are Saying

Phil’s book has received very positive reviews from around the Marketing Industry

Decoded is applicable to everyday marketing:

“There are plenty of books around on behavioural economics. This one shows you how to use the science to increase sales. A must for anyone who works
with brands.”

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Les Binet

Group Head of Effectiveness at adam&eveDDB

Decoded is a good read:

“Decoded is the only behavioural science book I’ve ever read twice. This new edition is a great reason to make it three times.”

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Richard Shotton

author of ‘The Choice Factory’

Decoded contains practical and compelling examples:

 “I loved this book. It’s a highly practical book for any modern marketer, packed with clear, compelling examples and also a glorious, enjoyable read for anyone interested in how humans make their choices. My copy is littered with under-linings and notes. Fascinating,
useful, an absolute classic.”

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Sophie Devonshire

Chief Executive, The Marketing Society

Decoded is at the leading edge of science:

 “Many of us will agree that Marketing is a combination of Science and Art. Science can often give you the springboard you need to take that creative leap. But what if some of the Science you are using is wrong? Phil’s book explains all. He brings Decision Science to life for Marketing. It can be chewy in places, in a good way, but will help you to step up your Marketing impact.”

Decoded Book - Phil Barden
Keith Weed

Ex-CMO Unilever, Independent Director of WPP and Sainsbury's

Consultancy Services

Marketing is about influencing consumer decisions. decode leverages the latest insights on human decision making for marketing to create a competitive edge for clients and increase marketing effectiveness i.e. increase Return on Marketing Investment.

Staffed by ex-client side marketers, agency planning directors, scientists and academics, DECODE collaborates with leading neuro-economic institutions such as Caltech (USA) to empower marketing to use the latest scientific insights in their daily work. 

Additional Content

Phil is planning to provide additional content in the future that will not be added to the published edition. Register here to receive the content by email when it is available.

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